First Home Buyers

06: First Home Owner Grants and Starting Your Portfolio

Goose and Gabi return to shepherd their flock of investors safely to the greener pastures of property funding enlightenment, breaking it down into two pathways: investing without the First Home Owner Grant, or using the grant to build your investment strategy. Their compass? Budget.

06: First Home Owner Grants and Starting Your Portfolio Listen To The Full Episode »

03: Eight Steps To Start, Boost, or Bolster ANY Property Portfolio

In order to achieve a positive outcome in your investment journey, you have got to establish a process. It’s important to operate in a way that is in alignment with what you want to achieve. Luckily for you, we’re taking the guesswork out of what your process should look like and sharing ours with you. This is the exact process we follow with our clients and we know it works and we’ve broken it down into eight key steps.

03: Eight Steps To Start, Boost, or Bolster ANY Property Portfolio Listen To The Full Episode »

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